Well, friends, I’ve missed you. I’ve been off the grid for two months, wanting to write, but the words wouldn’t come. I couldn’t get them to move through my heart and out through my hands. It is another way of saying, “I didn’t have the heart to say the things.”
Last night I read a post from another light worker, and he was talking about the same thing. It has been hard sorting through what is being revealed, deciding what is appropriate and worthy to share, and then having the capacity to share. Sometimes it is easier to just mull and stew over the things.
As of 5:27pm today, Monday January 13th, we are having our first Full Moon of 2025 in the nakshatra of Punarvasu, meaning Return of the Light. Punarvasu brings the shakti/power of life to regenerate and recover itself and boy did that hit me straight in the heart as I typed those words. I’ll explain more below as I go into this overarching theme of our times of Shatabishak, the power of healing and secrets.
Also, I want to note that on July 5, 2024 at 6:57pm we had the New Moon in Punarvasu nakshatra. If you take these last six months and dive deeply into your own experiences and the experiences of those around you, as well as collective and global happenings, it paints a very interesting picture of what “Return of Light” might mean. It is a promise, an olive branch, that although we must go through some challenging times, we are always made whole again, in some way. You must have faith and trust in this process, and also take the appropriate steps to co-participate with the process. You cannot be tamasic and lethargic. You must take action.
Punarvasu is my natal moon and it feels pretty solid for me to have Punarvasu as the first Full Moon of 2025. My wish is that my enthusiasm overflows and fills you as well. It does have that energy of the days that follow the Winter Solstice, after the darkest nights of the year, often the stormiest times, and Punarvasu arrives as the new dawn, the new light returning and reminding us that we are always whole. We’ve always had the light and nothing has ever really been lost, although often we have forgotten this.
That is the game of life.
On Tuesday (tomorrow), 6-8pm, I am offering an online Full Moon Activation Breathwork experience - *free - as a new year gift*. I welcome you to join me. Sign up here.
Since May 2021, we have had a major karmic influence (big planets that move slow) transiting Shatabishak nakshatra, known as the 100 healers or medicines. Shatabishak has the shakti/power to heal and is secretive and hidden in many ways.
Shatabishak is healing us in all the ways and it is about long-term healing, chronic issues, such as mental imbalances that create distorted thinking. Shatabishak can lead to loss of wealth and health as it is associated with Saturn and Saturn requires us to co-participate with our karma. Karma is often misunderstood. It is always here to teach us and help us progress. Saturn is teaching us about judgments, and beliefs, overcoming victim mentality, and all the ways we might create dis-ease and unhealthy experiences. The secretive part of Shatabishak is showing the way of healing in the inner-realm, the mind, which is the hidden part of ourselves.
Here is a historical:
Jupiter was transiting (direct and retrogrades) in 2021 and 2022 and was testing our growth and evolution, testing our progress to see how we were doing collectively.
Saturn began the 30-year return to this region in 2023 and continued through December 26, 2024, with three retrogrades through Shatabishak nakshatra. This created numerous opportunities for us to grow and evolve, relearn, and retake the tests again and again (and again).
Now we have an 11-month break or integration period from all those lessons.
On December 1, 2025, Rahu will begin his 6-month transit through Shatabishak nakshatra and I expect this is when we are ready to put our newly gained skills to work. Rahu is all about creating smoke and illusions that we must master with skill, or succumb to the illusion and smoke. (My question to you is this: “Have you been doing your work of healing and evolving? I trust the answer is yes if you read this post.)
Some context of how rare it is to have transits from big planetary influences:
Ketu was last to transit this area from Aug 2016 through Apr 2017 (Note the presidential election and make your interpretations). Before that, Jupiter transited this area in 2010, Rahu in 2008, and Jupiter/Ketu in 1998.
The next big planetary transits after the upcoming transit of Rahu on December 1, 2025 through June 29, 2026, will be 2033 with Jupiter returning, and then 2035 with Ketu returning.
This 5-year portal of 2021 through 2026 has been quite something in regards to collective healing. But for some of us, especially those of us with planets in Shatabishak nakshatra, we have been through the ringer. My Mars is here in my 12th house, so I have a lot of empathy for all of us on this path of surrender into this unseen territory.
As I conclude this overview of Shatabishak, I want to remind you about this first Full Moon we are experiencing in 2025: Punarvasu brings us the shakti/power of life to regenerate and recover itself. This is the year of regeneration and recovering.
On Tuesday (tomorrow), 6-8pm, I am offering an online Full Moon Activation Breathwork experience - *free - as a new year gift*. I welcome you to join me. Sign up here.
2025 is the astrological year of the planet Mars.
The theme is “Relearning Inner Strength and Resiliency.”
2025 in Vedic Numerology points to this being a year governed by the energy of the planet Mars.
Mars is power.
It is associated with the physical body and our determination to make a life for ourselves, to be em-powered. Mars is Agni, known as the fire of life and our ability to digest. Everything we take into our body and consciousness needs to be digested, whether that is food, the lotions and potions we put on our body, or the media taken in through the eyes and ears, the conversations (or gossip) we have with our family and friends. All of it must be digested or it becomes toxins in our system that prevent the light of consciousness from shining brightly through us. It diminishes our vitality and ability to focus and apply effort.
Mars is associated with power, but also courage and determination. And our solar plexus. And our ability to stand in our power; whether it be 'soft power' or firm.
Or power-over. Or abuse of power.
As we enter 2025, we do so with Mars in a retrograde and a debilitation in the sign of Cancer, showing us upcoming lessons we need to integrate that we haven't gotten down yet.
Important Mars transit dates now through mid-2025:
Now Retrograde and Debilitated in Cancer,
going back through to Gemini January 21st
Direct Feb 24, 2025
Enters Cancer again (deb) April 3
June 7th enters Leo (we’ve earned our stripes)
I’m taking the perspective of personal and collective healing when looking through this astrological lens, and the lesson I’m intuiting for us is about standing powerfully in essential nature and truth. (Vs. the truth of public opinion and cultural norms.)
The Eclipse Stellium.
March 29th, we have the final eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo transit of Rahu/Ketu.
Rahu and Ketu are known as the karmic axis. I’ve written a lot about these eclipses in 2024 as they were so powerful and this will be the icing on the cake.
I’ll have more to say about this as we approach March but I wanted to put it on your radar for now. The last time we had a stellium like this was at the end of December 2019, the precursor to 2020 and all that followed.
Noteworthy is that Mars is with Punarvasu at the time of this major eclipse, the power of life to recover and regenerate itself. Also, Jupiter is with Rohini, the creative principle of the universe.
Although I think this is an exceptionally life-altering potential moment in time, I also believe the universe is inherently kind and life-affirming.
Additionally, we have some other big transits happening in 2025.
Saturn will move from Aquarius to Pisces on March 29th just hours after the eclipse.
Jupiter will move from Taurus to Gemini on May 15th.
The Lunar Nodes Rahu and Ketu shift signs on May 30th.
By early June, Mars will be out of this retrograde and debilitation portal and in the sign of affirmed power in Leo.
By mid-year, many of us will be well on our way to embodying this inherent and embodied power with the ability to make wise choices on how to wield it. Also, many will continue down the path of abuse and power-over. You have a choice on which way to align.
On Tuesday (tomorrow), 6-8pm, I am offering an online Full Moon Activation Breathwork experience - *free - as a new year gift*. I welcome you to join me. Sign up here.
For readings, other classes, etc., click here.
Please post any comments or questions you may have. Engagement with these posts is so useful and it helps me know that you find this worthy of reading and consideration.
Wishing you a blessed 2025!