I’m traveling today so…short and sweet.
It is the 15th Day and technically the “FULL MOON” isn’t until tomorrow around 11-noon. The exact degree happens when the Moon is in Magha so I’ll talk more then. But for now, it is full enough. And that is the quality of the 15th day, fullness. Fullness of reflection of the Sun and all the qualities we want to shine and share with the world. But that can mean also projection. We project when we don’t honor what is hidden and shadowed. It is easier not to project when we are dealing with the new moon as we are forced to see what we don’t want to see. During the Full Moon, we can only see what we can see and that is why the projections happen.
But we can consciously choose to honor or actions and words and be diligent about what we put out there. Spend time today, if you haven’t yet, figuring out what you want to do with this Full Moon and support of the ancestors and Magha. I start my 40 day sadhana tomorrow with this moon and I think that is a great practice for anyone. If you have something you want to work with, now is a great time.
Class tonight, in person, 6pm. If you aren’t in class and want to come, check with me. I may have a cancellation later in the day.