The divine quality associated with the 15th day is fullness. On the dark moon it is fullness of emptiness, of the void. It allows us to dive in deeper past the realm of the intellectual mind of opinion, thought, belief, judgement and to be with ourselves before the mind activates.
This is why we practice yoga and meditation, so we can learn to do this without life forcing us to our knees. Of course, many of us practice yoga because we’ve been forced to our knees.
This particular new/dark moon comes after a rough couple of weeks. We knew it would be difficult as the last Full Moon in Jyeshtha was no joke, she was a prediction of her own and here we sit now, with Sun and Moon in Ardra, loosely translated as:
She Who Masters the Storms.
You’re here. You’re reading this. To some degree you mastered this wave, this storm, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Recognize your resilience that is there.
I’d expect we will have a ricochet of storms over the next two weeks, but you know what to do. Find your roots, that which holds you firmly on this Earth, in this Earth Body, establish your foothold and claim your experience.
What else can you do? Claim someone else’s truth and experience? No.
Claim yours. When you go below the surface of the intellectual mind, you’ll find your truth there and you won’t need to lean into what someone else says, what the Old Testament says. You’ll KNOW.
Ardra is in the heart of Gemini, the intellectual sign. So this isn’t easy. All month long, the Sun is here tempting us with intelligence and a longing to know. Don’t let yourself get sideways with that surface level intelligence, ultimately it is about going deeper but to do that we have to face what is below that surface and oftentimes that feels stormy so this is why we, as a collective, stay above the waves.
We are on the way now to the next Full Moon in Uttara Ashada which has to do with strength, determination and ultimate victory. See that as your goal as you navigate these storms.
Blessings to you,
Jenn 🕊
PS…come to yoga class, which is where you learn these techniques to ride the waves but ultimately dive in below the surface.