Yesterday the Moon transited Dhanishta, starting in Capricorn and ending in Aquarius.
Here we are finding ourselves on a social quest. In Dhanishta, we are growing our circle of influence and friends, sharing lessons learned (or gossiping) and in sharing our abundance, we gain credibility. Dhanishta often brings fame to those with strong placements here.
Where Mrigashira we were searching for something and bringing it back to others, something of immeasurable value. In the second octave of the Mars nakshatras, we were working with what to do with the valuables found. In Dhanishta, we are finding that through our courage, determination and possibly patience, the thing we found or learned, if cultivated and tended to properly has increased in value so much that it may bring fame and wealth to us.
Nothing is lost, and in learning lessons from Chitra about what really is valueable, by the time we get to Dhanishta, we have some wisdom gleaned. Mrigashira was an innocent child, Chitra was eyes wide open to the nature of the physics of this realm, and here in Dhanishta, we are using these lessons to create something more so we can speak to the masses.
When Moon transits Dhanishta, you might find yourself networking in your circle of influence, or on a lesser scale, gossiping. Go for the former!
And the song…Fame!….
Would love to hear if this resonated for you, and how.
PS…here are the posts Mrigashira and Chitra for reference.