We’ve all heard this, right? That how something ends gives tell on how the new thing begins. Wisdom as old as time.
It’s also the spiral inward, deeper, all things are related and there really is no separation when you look closely, intentionally.
2022 is coming to a quick close. It is the end of a year. But it is also the end of a cycle, the cycle of Saturn transiting Capricorn. It is the end of a pandemic as it turns epidemic or post-pandemic.
It is the end of some sort of collective transformation.
What was transformed in you? Have you spent time contemplating this? I surely have and there are countless facets of transformation in this nervous system.
On Thursday evening, I’ll be talking about this in more detail and also bringing up some inquiry for you to contemplate for the next 15 days between the new and full moon cycles, that carry through the first of the year. And hopefully create some intention as this collective metaphasis comes to some sort of ‘next phase’.
The shakti/power/energy on deck for the next few dates is as follows, all Eastern Time Zone:
December 21st, 4:47pm, Winter Solstice:
Moon is in Anuradha, the star of success, transmitting the shakti (or power) of worship. Here we learn that we have most success in relationship and not as independent agents. Though kindness, co-operation and devotion we find true success.
December 23rd, 5:17am, New Moon:
Moon + Sun are exact degree with Mula, the star of our foundation, transmitting the shakti (power) of transforming from the root; destroying illusion to go beyond it.
Additionally, Venus is conjunct here with Purva Ashada, the power to invigorate, energizing towards greater empowerment.
And Mercury is here with Uttara Ashada, channeling the power of complete victory; winning for the highest good of all.
If that isn’t the way to end a pandemic, then I don’t know what is.
You can check your chart to see what house this happens in. This is the sign of Sagittarius, which for me is the 10th house of my vocation (where I have a lot of karmic imprints). I would translate this for my chart as this is the time when all of the hibernation and emerging from this cocoon begins to make sense for me. In March of 2020, my work in the world looked one way. Today, as I write, my work in the world has completed transformed and is ready to spread its butterfly wings.
As romantic as that sounds, it hasn’t been pretty. IYKYK, right?
How would you write up this 2020-2022 three year period? How did it show up in your chart? You don’t have to understand all the details but if you are here, then this work interests you in some way and you might want to take a few minutes to consider it.
January 1st, midnight:
As the year starts, there is something to note. Moon will be transmitting the shakti of Ashwini, the initiation. This carries the power to heal self and others quickly. That’s something cool to align to. At our core, we are all complete and perfect. However, in this world of contradictions and conditioning, that wholeness gets lost. Healing is about alignment to help bring us to wholeness in some way. Even a bit is useful.
January 6th, 6:08pm, FIRST Full Moon of 2023:
Moon will be bright and alive in Punarvasu, which will be channeling to us the power of life to regenerate and recover itself, enlightening the world with hope and calling in a new dawn. With Punarvasu, we learn that we never really lost anything and that we are always whole.
After every ending, comes the knowledge that nothing was lost in the first place. You had the power all along.
And the Sun and Mercury (in retrograde) will be 180 degrees away in the opposite sign with Purva Ashada, the power to invigorate, energizing towards greater empowerment. An amazing reflection for this start to 2023.
In honor of this special time, I’ll be hosting an in-person and online class on Thursday, December 22, 5:30-7:30pm ET.
Expect to hear some astrological significance, do a little journaling or reflection, then restorative yoga and a guided journey/savasana. $25
I will send those who are signed up a message about how to prepare. I do not plan to record this session as it is time sensitive and I want you to practice with us.
Save your spot here: https://thewisdomsanctuary.as.me/newmoon