It’s that time again, the New Moon Activation class will be held online via Zoom at 6:30pm on Thursday; as we come out of practice, we will be at the exact degree of the New Moon. I’d love for you to join us in this class and you can sign up here.
Shatabishak is the nakshatra of the lineage healers, the 100 healers, medicine women (and men), including toxicity. Over the last 2 years, Saturn has traveled through this nakshatra three times to prepare us for the healing that is coming as Saturn moves into his next nakshatras over the next three years that are at the final portions of the Zodiac in the sign of Pisces.
I hope you have learned a lot about healing and healing modalities and what is truly useful for you. I know I’ve learned so much. Even as the Moon activates this nakshatra for the next lunar cycle, I’ve moved my attention toward the dream realm and plant medicine (Mugwort) to enhance my sleep and dream cycles (those in class are surely to hear about my experiments; I’ll be preparing my herbal tincture tomorrow evening as part of my alignment to this lunar rhythm). I’m also studying brain wave states, binaural beats, and how to create specific meditations by using mantra (sound), affirmations, intention, and binaural beats together.
Another practice deeply on my consciousness right now has to do with biological rhythms, especially enhanced or aligned sleep cycles, and how we can improve them through aligning with nature’s rhythm, especially around these lunar cycles. The basics for this is to start aligning with the Full Moon and the New Moon rhythms each month.
During the spring when the natural growing season is “ready” to sprout, and specifically medicinal plants (think herbs), that happens AFTER the Moon travels through Shatabishak. We aren’t quite there yet, but in the next month when Moon travels through Shatabishak, be watching for this rhythm.
Here is a post I wrote about Shatabiskak in the past that gives some more information about this energy.
Join me in class Thursday evening at 6:30pm online via Zoom and you can sign up here. We will align to this lunar rhythm of 100 healers and 100 medicines together.
Jenn, do you provide recordings if one cannot attend the zoom in person? And also I am interested in reviewing my chart for insights regarding the coming Rahu and Ketu movements into Aquarius and Leo. Leo is my 4th house and I have Mars, Mercury, Plut and the Sun there and Aquarius is my 10th with the full moon in Purva Badrapada. What are your fees for such a review?