Purva Ashada | The Invincible
Moon in P. Ashada + Krishna Tritiya (3rd lunar day after full moon)
Today the Moon transits Purva Ashada, in the sign of Sagittarius. Purva Ashada is a special kind of nakshatra that brings the power to invigorate. It is known as The Invincible One, The Prior Victory and earned this merit in a past life from martyrdom. In sacrificing their life for some principle they held in highest reverence, they earned this merit that in this life, they have assured victory whenever they are coming from their heart.
They cannot be defeated.
One of the key symbols here is a winnowing basket which is a basket used to separate the wheat from the chaff: To separate what is useful and nourishment from what is waste.
Unlike Bharani, which is the first octave of the Venus nakshatras and has a sense of having to bear (a burden), and then Purva Phalguni, the second octave has earned some sort of merit from a previous life, from bearing the burden, in this life, the Venus education is coming to play that this is all about heart-work.
Do what you love and you can never be defeated.
Half-ass it and you’ll be displaying a martyr attitude.
For a true martyr is never complaining while making a sacrifice in reverence to their highest value. When we do not come from our heart, the woulda, shoulda, coulda flat intentions sound like a martyr. But aren’t.
Remember, I mentioned before that Venus comes after Ketu in the nakshatra scheme. In this third octave you really start seeing the enlightened aspect of Venus with this sort of Honey Badger Don’t Care attitude. (Some people will be offended by the Honey Badger nod, but not the Purva Ashada person.)
Venus, when it comes after Ketu, brings the wisdom of knowing what truly is worthy of love. And we see that expressed here.
Where Bharani is about being birthed, a transformation from before to after, pre-life to life, or past life to this life… we might say that Purva Phalguni is the orgasm which some have called the “little death.” Purva Ashada is the crossing over illusion.
On January 10, 2020, I started a two-year Yoga Teacher Training where I was the guide for 11 striving yoga teachers-to-be. What commenced within two months, we all know: A global pandemic which changed all of our plans. But on that Friday start, there were four planets with with Purva Ashada, in this crossing over illusion path, and the Ascendant and Moon were with Punarvasu (the return of the light and goodness).
These people, 8 of which completed the program, had moved from their heart to cross this illusion… and over the next two years, not even a global pandemic could stop us, and it surely tried. There were times all of us displayed some martyr energy but the imprint was strong in their endeavor and could not be stopped.
When Moon transits Purva Ashada, like it is doing today, you might find yourself readying go to battle for the one thing you love with all your heart… or you might be finding yourself feeling like a martyr and having to do all the sacrifice.
Here is my updated song pick, and really Lady Gaga embodies Purva Ashada so pick any song:
Would love to hear if this resonated for you, and how.
PS…here is the link to Bharani for reference. And for Purva Phalguni.