Here, in Pushya, we receive nourishment from Divine Mother. Pushya is the star of nourishment and when we are nourished, we have the ability to use our resources for the greater good.
For Pushya people, they know that all creatures great and small deserve nourishment, love and care. No matter what.
And the Pushya energy is looking to provide that nourishment even to the detriment of their own self care. They can often feel depleted and unappreciated by others for all they give to the world.
(Any mothers out there feeling this?)
With nourishment, brings the shakti, the power, to create spiritual energy. Through appreciation of what is given by giver to the recipient, it creates a powerful synergy between the giver and receiver which can be said to be a spiritual energy or love that can move mountains.
A mother’s love is so powerful.
Pushya is the eighth nakshatra of the Zodiac and is represented by the udder of a cow. Milk (and cows) are highly revered in the Vedic traditions as providing nourishment for the seven tissues that hold this consciousness.
Pushya is ruled by Saturn, and Saturn is known to create a servant attitude. Saturn always wants us to learn humility. The humility is for the ego to bow down, be set aside, for the higher self to emerge and maneuver here on earth. In doing that, the natural qualities of Pushya emerge and we only want the best for all beings.
When Moon transits Pushya, like it is doing today, you might notice a need to be a supportive person to others, or you might feel more tread upon, depending on how it shows up for you.
And my song pick (updated)…
Oh my natal Sun is in Pushya. Maybe that’s the midwife in me 🤔