Well, it is the 14th day. You know what that means. The new/dark moon is tomorrow. And on the 14th day, the Goddess is surrendering the divine quality of self-sacrifice. The last of the qualities to be surrendered before union with her beloved.
The way we feel that in lived life on the 14th day of the waning lunar cycle is that everything has been taking from us but this one last thing and we want to hold on to it for dear life.
But in the surrendering, we find our reunion.
It was never ours, anyway.
Gosh, what a weekend. What a night. My subconscious was alive and thriving and working shit out last night. I was bawling in my dreams and woke up with crusty eyes and nose.
As I mentioned in prior emails, Mars is gandanta now and in the knot unraveling it. Being unraveled never feels good. The more we can surrender to the unraveling, the easier it is. The more you fight with the knot, the tighter it gets.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that surrender doesn’t include action. Think of surrender more as in surrender your stake in the ground that you know everything. Or surrendering the old ways.
So that you can take new footsteps in this new way.
Let’s be clear.
We are all pro life and pro child. Otherwise this conversation is just insulting. (Someone else posted that recently and I loved it.)
The issue is autonomy and sovereignty over our own body. Especially female gendered bodies that can carry babies … in this particular moment.Â
If you are pro-life, and against pro-choice, use your powerful position to actually support babies instead of disrespecting women.Â
Demand paternity responsibility.
Demand healthcare for all.
Demand that no family goes hungry and has safety to sleep. Education. And ability to attain and earn resources. Childcare.Â
Those who are pro-life are losing the opportunity of a lifetime to stand behind your values. Take a stand. Put your money (and not your mouth) to work for what is right.Â
Otherwise what’s the point?Â
Don’t look away. Don’t bypass. Don’t spiritualize your inaction.Â
It’s all so crazy.
I think it’s important to point out that the anti-choice folks, at least the ones that I’ve known for decades, are also very much against assistance for moms and babies. I’m even hearing noise that they’re anti-Medicare and anti-Social Security benefits for seniors. And many of these folks rely on Medicare for their own healthcare! And forget male responsibility -- they blame the female in ALL cases. The main reason they provide when asked about providing healthcare for all is that it is a government overreach. They say they want the government out of people’s lives. Hmmm...