Today the Moon lands in Swati, the star of independence. Through making it’s way through half the Zodiac, one finds here that they are ready to test the waters and start spreading their own ideas. And that is the power of Swati - the shakti to scatter like the wind.
Another way to look at Swati is the resilience to bend so they don’t break. They are like a delicate flower growing out of a boulder or between the cracks in the sidewalk of a city street. That delicacy and beauty makes us pause in our tracks and not take Swati at face value. These people have earned their voice and also know how to use it properly, or at least they are learning how to use it in that higher manner.
We might consider these the nakshatra of social diplomacy. Bridging the two types of peoples together - we all have to share this Earth.
It’s our Earth.
We each have of our unique place on our Earth. We belong.
Independently breathing from the One Ocean of Breath.
The same breath that all sages and saints and even the dinosaurs breathed. Beings of all time have breathed and surrendered the same breath you are breathing now.
Shared breath. Shared experience. Unity.
Where Ardra, the first nakshatra ruled by Rahu, brought us the power to feel and act (actions speak louder than words) with a storm, Swati brings us the ability to persuade and spread new ideas for a more peaceful Earth. Both create smoke so we take action to clear the smoke.
And the song for Swati (Ardra was dealing with a storm, Swati the rainbow and spreading news of unification)…
PS…a link to Ardra for reference.
PPS…we are a few days from the Full Moon. I’ll have a Full Moon Yoga Nidra practice Sunday morning 9am - in person at the Sanctuary or online for those who are non-local or prefer.
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