The 9-Year | Not For Sale
The Gathering and Disassembly of Asuras, Endings, TikTok, Eclipse 3/29
…Not for Sale…
Only in the USA does the common mindset prevail that everything and everyone has a price and is for sale.
It isn’t the reality of how things are. Yes, much is for sale, except that which isn’t. We are learning that this weekend, aren’t we? TikTok is an example of what isn’t for sale. (However, it wouldn’t surprise me if TikTok kisses the ring.)
TikTok was formed in September 2016, and available internationally in 2017. 2017 was a 1-year…a new beginning.
2025 is a 9-year which indicates a time of:
-closure, ending, completion, preparing to ascend to the next level
-cleaning up of loose ends
-whatever wasn’t balanced in year 7 will resurface in the 9-year to be released and rebalanced (In 2023, the 7-year, on Jan 25, a bill was introduced to ban TikTok nationwide and a forced vote blocked that bill. And you can read more about the historical here.)
This is a year of growth, understanding, spiritual renewal, awakening, and self-mastery.
Through endings and losses, we evolve, understand at a new level, and grow into the next cycle. We awaken to bigger possibilities.
This is the theme of the first six months of 2025: Endings, asking for mercy, and surrendering … as nothing else works. You will learn what you are made of as you progress through these next months with seven planets transiting the house of Pisces, an eclipse, and another pivotal moment when Rahu and Saturn meet at exact degrees.
TikTok was the preview…the trailer.
TikTok ending (in the USA) brings for many the loss of income which then engages survival strategies. It brings a loss of community and a sense of belonging. It brings a sobering reality as we learn about who controls our ability to access information and our freedom of speech, our freedom to earn money, learn new things, and then implement new things. All of that is being challenged now and as Saturn comes into Pisces, there will be a great remedial measure.
In this numerological 9-year of resolutions and endings, mass planetary transits through Pisces, the 12th house of the Zodiac, represents endings and closures as it ushers in this new cycle.
Other keywords for Pisces are fantasy, imagination, creativity, devotion, intuition, expansiveness, universality, deep compassion for others, and strong spiritual inclination. It is a water sign, and as such is naturally oriented to moksha, liberation, surrender, and letting go (letting God).
As the natural 12th house of the Zodiac, it also relates to all 12th house matters: Liberation/moksha, endings, losses, subconscious, hidden nature, isolation through sorrow or peace, meditation, retreats, ashrams, alone time, away time, hospitals, prisons, foreign residency, connection with invisible spirit, inspiration beyond the limitation of the material world, letting go of attachments, surrender to divine force without fear of losing anything. It relates to our feet and the pilgrimage they are taking us on.
Rahu has been transiting Pisces since October 2023. Rahu is synonymous with the Soul’s Desires, and attachments and creates delusion and adversity. Rahu moves on to Aquarius in May, after a few peak “episodes” or moments. Rahu will amplify the transits moving through Pisces through the end of May.
The first transit happens on January 28, when Venus enters Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces where Venus has full empowerment to do what Venus needs to do. Venus is an indicator of teaching us worldly values of peace, harmony, love, beauty, and how to be on earth and love thy neighbor. I suppose Venus is exalted here as spiritual Pisces needs a strong dose of how to be on earth in a better way, how to show up and be of service in the earth realm in the way that it is in the spiritual realm. After all, we are here in bodies on this 3D earth.
Venus is the FEELING body.
On February 28, Mercury joins Venus in Pisces. Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, which means He isn’t able to be his normal jolly, chatty self. Mercury indicates our speech and communication, how we think, and how we use (or lack) discernment.
Mercury is the MENTAL body.
On March 15, the Sun joins the stellium in Pisces. Sun represents our purpose, confidence, ego, and the soul connected to this physical body.
Sun is related to the SPIRITUAL body through the physical body.
March 28 the Moon enters Pisces and on March 29 is the epic stellium solar eclipse. Moon has intensified feelings, especially when dealing with the new moon as we are on an eclipse. It is how we feel connected to others, our innermost sense of self, and how we perceive the world.
The moon is the EMOTIONAL body.
A few hours after the peak eclipse, Saturn enters Pisces on March 29. Saturn is structure, hard work, commitment, stress, isolation, and fear. It is slow and encourages us to learn through karmic lessons.
Saturn is the PHYSICAL body.
We do not use Neptune in Vedic Astrology (sidereal zodiac astrology), however, Neptune is also in Pisces during this time and through this eclipse. Neptune is related to trusting your inner guidance system, connection with visions and dreams, intuition, and psychic insight.
We might say Neptune is related to the INTUITIVE body.
One last thought about this eclipse, in Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology), we have two camps of planets where the planets are somehow working for a common goal.
Jupiter, Sun, Mars, and Ketu are one camp of planets.
Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Rahu are the other camp of planets, known as the asuras.
The asuras (Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Rahu) are all convening in Jupiter’s sign of Pisces now through March 29, and start disassembling in April:
Mercury exits on May 7
Rahu exits on May 30
Venus exits on May 31
Saturn will be in Pisces for the next 2-1/2 years, exiting in 2028.
The lessons of Saturn are long and enduring. The sooner you can shift your sails, the easier the journey. You are Awareness and the sails are what you focus on with your attention. You get to choose. Choose wisely. That is all that Saturn requires.
Also noteworthy, is that Mars and Jupiter (and Ketu) are the planets outside the assembly. Mars is bringing lessons about the right use of power, and Jupiter will bring lessons offering hope when all seems lost. He will remind us about the inner guru/teacher/compass inside our hearts. Stay tuned.
Looks like tik tok kissed the ring.
Thank you for your insights, Jenn.