I’ve got some bad news.
More war is coming.
I’m not saying this to scare you; it is simply how things are in our world. It is the natural ebb and flow, cause and effect (law of karma), black and white, duality, or whatever you want to call it (the 3D realm).
Astrologically, we look at the history of transits to understand what is happening now and what is coming our way. I do not need to tell you that we are having warring natural disasters (earthquakes, wildfires, epic flooding and rains, snow, droughts), or that we are having epic technology wars (airplane disasters and near disasters, data leaks, disinformation wars), or that our country is provoking war between its citizens, between those who were here before us, between the rich and the poor, the informed and the disinformed, all disillusioned to some degree, even countries against countries and that could be a global war before long.
I’m not a historian (far from it) so I lean into others who are for information and research, then use my navigation to process it.
We have a big eclipse coming with a stellium of 7 planets on March 29. Three weeks later, we have a special conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in Pisces Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra that denotes war and unrest. This conjunction doesn’t happen often as both of these are slow-moving planets and when they meet up together, they have something to say.
Rahu is all about creating smoke and mirrors (illusions) to create the impetus to move in a certain direction to get educated to see what is true in this world.
Saturn is all about karma and righting wrongs; slowing us down so we get the lessons and make amends. Saturn is requiring us to become humble servants of the divine, to relinquish our attachment to our ego’s desires, opinions and beliefs and to open up to the unbounded possibility and truth that he wishes we could see and align with.
On April 21 these two powerhouses come together at exact degree. What does this mean? Looking at the historical (from James Kelleher’s research), here are just the most recent events:
2013 (Sept 17) - The rise of ISIS in the aftermath of the 2013 Syrian War.
(Libra Swati)
2002 (June 5) - Between 9/11 and the Iraq invasion (birth of the War on Terror).
(Taurus Mrigashira)
1991 (Jan 21) - Operation Desert Storm started Jan 17 (the Gulf War).
(Capricorn Uttara Ashada)
1979 (July 8) - Just after the revolution and the birth of the Islamic Republic.
(Leo Purva Phalguni)
1969 (May 1) - In the aftermath of the 6-day war (June 1967), the Palestinian groups began to internationalize their struggle. On July 26, 1978, they hijacked EL AL Flight 426 which was seen as the first hijacking of an airplane by a Middle Eastern terrorist group. Also, this was the time frame of Bobby Kennedy and MLK assassinations and the most intense year of the Vietnam War.
(Note: This also happened in Pisces as we are currently experiencing, but with the far gentler nakshatra/energy of Revati)
What can you do when it feels like you have no control? There are always times of unrest and war, and we are at a time when there is fast rising in consciousness and evolution (Have you listened to The Telepathy Tapes yet?).
And what about the war within yourself? Your anxiety is a symptom of being at war within. Maybe you call it something else. Maybe you feel stuck and hopeless? It is the time for all of us that are able to step up into service of humanity and that starts with you (if you are reading this, this means YOU). The only way to truly be of service is through your own heart that guides you to your own inner wisdom.
This is the only place where you have real power.
True power.
The power is making the decision, having agency and using it, to go within and to shift your perception, and then do something about what is revealed to you.
Are you willing to wield the only real power you have to make change within?
One way (of many) to do this is through connection with your own breath. Your best friend that has been with you from birth and will stay by your side until death, a constant companion.
Do you ignore your breath or are you in a relationship with it? Is it welcomed wholeheartedly? Do you allow yourself to become humble enough to listen to the wisdom ushered in on your breath, the prana?
This Sunday 8:30am-10am, I am hosting an online class completely dedicated to breathing and improving the quality of breathing diaphragmatically, and improving this sacred relationship that only YOU can embrace.
And tonight, 6:30pm, I am hosting a breakthrough breathwork class online, focused on activating the creative portal (2nd chakra).
Both are excellent opportunities to dive deeper into the breath and your relationship to it.
You can sign up for either at this link if you are interested in the practice: https://jennbrooks.as.me/online
I’m diving deep into this trilogy of breath, somatics, and meditation in 2025. Want to get on my list to dive in deeper with me with special opportunities as they arise? Those who complete this form will have access to some limited opportunities not shared openly. If this interests you: Fill out my Jotform