(Shannon - here is my dragon image - sound coming soon 😉)
Around 8pm tonight Jupiter, the planet of hope, optimism and wisdom, enters the fiery sign of Aries in the nakshatra of Ashwini and commences a new 12-year cycle of personal growth and evolution.
I know this is relevant for many reading this, that connect with what I write, because we’ve been in conversation and I read for five of you yesterday (that is a lot for me, traffic-wise).
Times are a-changing.
Ashwini is the lunar mansion (nakshatra) of The Initiation. It is when the egg and sperm collide to initiate life. It is the big bang. It is the dormant seed awakening, burgeoning and yearning to sprout.
It is nothing…becoming something.
Ketu rules Ashwini and Ketu comes from no-thing, from the past life. There is no head with Ketu, only heart and wisdom.
Mars rules the sign of Aries, of which Ashwini is housed. Mars, ruling the fiery, masculine Aries gets the ball rolling with the fire element. In Ayurveda, we understand the our agni, our inner fire, is what transforms a thing from nothing useable to something of value and nourishment.
Some of you have mentioned that my sharing of experiences and how it works for me has been of use in you deciphering your chart. So I want to share just a few things.
Jupiter starts a new initiatory cycle into Aries about every 12 years. The prior cycles were May 2011, June 1999, Feb 1988, Feb 1976.
For my chart, Aries is my 2nd house which relates to my values, wealth, self-esteem and the way I speak (or if I will speak).
1976 I was really too young to share a pattern that is noteworthy. I would presume this was mostly the time where my values were established based on my upbringing, among other things.
1988 was graduation from high school and a few years and really the following years seemed to be about regaining self-esteem diminished from years of being bullied in high school. Through those proceeding years, I gained esteem and recognition through quality supportive roles in the workforce. I dealt with a marriage and a divorce, making mistakes along the way.
1999 was leading up to the second marriage to Joe and shortly after leaving supportive, administrative roles to take my chances as a 100% commissioned salesperson. From that day on in 2001, I never had a salaried paycheck again. The proceeding years brought a lot of money, savings to 401k that has multiplied untouched, self-esteem realizing I was able to support myself financially and any regrets about non-traditional education eventually fell away as it was a moot point for my path.
2011 lead to a series of mystical meetings and partnerships and was the pivot into the holistic healing arts and eventually Vedic teachings. It forced me to start to express out loud through teaching and sharing. Sharing on a platform of values gained in prior cycles.
And today, April 21, 2023 I have found all of these 2nd house issues back at play for me. I’ve gained so much skill over these cyclical spirals inward. Today, I feel the urge to be seen in the bigger way, as the master of ceremony at a large holistic wellbeing gathering that I dreamed, visualized, organized into manifestation. But with support and help of people that align to the values that I align with. Also people lovingly coaxing me into being more visible, more verbal (even requesting I start recording some of these postings, thanks to Lindy).
I’m breaking through this encasement but with the most magnificent support and cheer squad.
On top of this, there are multitudes of other cyclical layers happening. And this is for all of us. For me, I’m looking at 2nd house and specifically where this Solar Eclipse happened yesterday, where Jupiter moved to Aries today, and where Akshaya Tritya happens tomorrow. It is a trilogy of an initiation and that is why I started writing about it 40 days ago.
I must note also, that in my natal chart I have Saturn Retrograde in a mutual exchange with Mars which creates a bunch of synergy, so maybe this is why I’m noticing it intensely.
For your chart, just notice what house it is, see if you find any correlations of those years presented and house attributes.
1st house - truthful nature, body, general health, the head, personality.
2nd house - values, self-expression, income, security, childhood, speech, self-esteem.
3rd house - self-will, siblings, power and prowess, friends, motivation, zeal, rashness, curiosity.
4th house - emotional state, mother, feeling potential, peace, property, deepest sensitivity, inner life.
5th house - intelligence, creativity, children, education, romance, past life merit, mantras.
6th house - unpleasant tasks, illness, debt, things breaking, immune system, hard work, service.
7th house - long-term relationships, general relations with others, business associates.
8th house - transformation, other people’s money, dissolution, sex, death, hidden side of life, research.
9th house - religion, philosophical or ethical principles, god’s grace, dharma-shaping life events.
10th house - career, public status, fame, success, impact on the world, politics.
11th house - highest aspirations and goals, financial gains, impulse, excess, large groups of people.
12th house - subconscious, hidden nature, isolated through sorrow or peace, liberation, loss.
This is a long post, so take a Bob Dylan break if you want, then come back and read about Akshaya Tritiya below.
Tomorrow, April 22, is considered one of the most auspicious days in the Vedic year, Akshaya Tritiya. it is the third lunar day after the new moon when the Sun is exalted in Aries and the Moon is exalted in Taurus.
Akshaya means ‘undiminishing’ and it is believed that any seeds (intentions) planted on this day, or any auspicious activities undertaken will be multiplied and provide undiminishing good results, abundance of material and spiritual fruits in our life.
This is the day to connect with your heart. You can use any practices that help you open your heart to connect with your heart and to receive blessings from this universe that are waiting to enter your life.
If you want to reply in the comments about what you’ve planted as an intention, I’ll support you in your endeavors of manifesting your heart’s desire.
We are now exactly 14 days way from the epic Weekend Under the Stars weekend. The Moon will be a Full Moon with Vishakha, meaning to take the new path, to take the road less travelled and it makes all the difference. It brings the shakti/power to achieve many things in life.
This indeed will be a very special initiation for many people and I hope you are one of those called to join us.
Website can be found by clicking here.
Tickets can be purchased by clicking here.
Due to the nature of event planning and the craziness that arises in the days before an epic event, I may or may not be back to share about the astrological happenings. After the retreat, I plan to start with daily posts about the nakshatras, when Moon arrives in Ashwini once again.
Peace be with you.
🕊♥ Jenn ♥🕊