There are three points in the zodiac where a water sign transitions to a fire sign and the degree(s) right before and after this transition is called gandanta, or knot. (For those who study yoga, yes, it does correlate to the three grantis in the body.)
These areas are more extreme in activating ripe karma. When a fiery planet like Ketu, Sun and especially Mars transits these degrees, explosions happen. With Mars, it has been every time since I’ve been tracking the last two years. With the last full moon in Jyeshtha (one of the other three gandantas), we are still under that energy. Normally, I don’t like looking at astrology through doom and gloom, but since Mars isn’t even at the close degree yet (it is 3 degrees away from gandanta) and we had an earthquake early this morning, I thought it was worthy to bring this to your attention.
Just like earthquakes don’t include the entire planet, gandanta won’t affect every person. It depends on your karma that is ripe and ready to come to fruition. It is what it is. We are nature. We are grass growing.
What we can do is be aware that in these points of time we may see more explosions internally and externally. You have a choice to be a victim and blame yourself or someone else, or you have a choice to see the bigger picture and that this isn’t personal to you or to anyone and it is just an effect. And this, too, shall pass.